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Experience of Nature

Schutzhütte bei Belfort Refuge near Belfort

Beobachtungsturm im Norddrömling Observation tower in the north

Konikpferde Konik horses

Beobachtungsplattform Observation platform

Halboffene Weidelandschaft Röwitz Roewitz Semi-Open Pasture Landscape

Informationstafel Information panel

To experience nature in the Droemling is possible and worthwhile from various points of view. Keep particularly in mind seasonal aspects, for example, bird migration is an impressive spectacle, especially in autumn, when thousands of geese and cranes use the area as a temporary resting place until they move on. In harsh winters, on the other hand, only the typical but conspicuous winter guests remain, such as mute swans and whooper swans or goosanders and cormorants. At the time of breeding and nursing the young, the representatives of the animal kingdom behave more inconspicuously and are happy to elude observation. The meadows can compensate for this by the splendour of the yellow buttercup, the white lady’s smock or the violet cuckoo-carnation. If a fox wanders through the meadows for food, it can also become livelier due to the loud defensive flights of lapwings and curlews. Observation facilities have already been set up at individual points in the area for nature observation. Interesting domestic animal breeds, such as heck cattle, can also be observed from the rest area at the Roewitz Semi-Open Pasture Landscape. A female red deer has even joined the Konik horses grazing outside all year round in the north.

Standorttafeln und Themenkarten

The “Hiking Trail Concept at the Roewitz Semi-Open Pasture Landscape” aims at the visitor-guided signage of hiking trails in this part of the region.

Simultaneously, information boards will be set up to provide information on the species and habitats of the NATURA 2000 European protected area system, to which the Droemling also belongs. The project will be carried out in the period from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2018.

The funding is accomplished by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and by the state of Saxony-Anhalt within the framework of the Rural Development Programme of Saxony-Anhalt 2014-2020 (EPLR).

Under this programme, the European Agricultural Fund shall contribute up to 75 % of the eligible expenditure.

Standorttafeln und Themenkarten

Standorttafeln und Themenkarten

Standorttafeln und Themenkarten

Standorttafeln und Themenkarten

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