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Water Revitalization


Reconnection of the old Ohre creek meanders in the south

The reconnection of the old Ohre creek meanders in the south just before the Ohre creek leaves the area is a model project of nature conservation. Due to the considerable amount of coordination and preparation work involved, the project is still in the draft planning stage. Any further implementation is to begin after completion of the last Ohre fish ladder facility.


Fish ladder at the Ohre dam in Germenau, Jahrstedt

As a result of changes that have taken place in terms of both hydraulic engineering requirements and the associated responsibilities, the local authority has stopped all work on preparing the required building permit.

Fish ladder at the “Krähenfußschleuse” Ohre dam

The aims of the project are to eliminate the barrier effect of the weir at the “Krähenfußschleuse” Ohre dam by constructing a bypass channel, and to create a passing opportunity for fish. Construction work began in July 2019 and the structure was completed in September. This marks the final step in the creation of the Ohre habitat network within the Drömling wildlife refuge, which has generally improved and developed the living conditions of the fish fauna in the river.

The project is being funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state of Saxony-Anhalt as part of its Rural Development Program for 2014–2020 (RDP). Under this programme, the European Agricultural Fund contributes up to 75 per cent of the eligible expenditure.


Fish Ladder Facility at the Ohre Weir “Kolonie Frische”

The fish ladder facility was completed in 2015 and induces penetrability of the Ohre creek at the “Kolonie Frische” weir. This means that fish and other aquatic organisms can pass through the Ohre creek from the “Sponstegschleuse” weir near Calvoerde to the “Kraehenfussschleuse” weir near the town of Miesterhorst.


Fish Ladder Facility at the Ohre Weir “Kaemkerhorstschleuse”

The fish ladder facility was completed in 2014. The Ohre creek is thus ecologically penetrable from the gateway “Sponstegschleuse” near Calvoerde to the dam at the so-called “Kraehenfuss” near Miesterhorst.

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